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【2023國際腦癇日】齊來支持「齊走5000萬步 邁向共融之路」步行活動

#2023國際腦癇日】齊來支持「齊走5000萬步 邁向共融之路」步行活動

腦癇症是香港最常見的腦科病之一,縱觀全球,就有五千萬人受腦癇症或腦癇發作影響。國際腦癇日 - 香港2023籌備委員會今年延續「齊走5000萬步 邁向共融之路」步行活動,呼籲大家用行動表達對腦癇患者的關注!

2. 邀請親友響應參加「齊走5000萬步 邁向共融之路」步行活動,分享 / Share 此帖子及標註 / Tag朋友參加

3. 使用我們建議的智能電話計步應用程式(見以下建議),記錄2023年1月15日至1月31日期間每天走路所完成的步數

4. 完成步數後,以截圖形式儲存,並於2023年2月3日或之前上載步行記錄截圖至大會指定網上表單(

5. 成功完成活動的參加者將會獲得電子證書乙張,誠邀大家在社交媒體分享

6. 大會將於2023年2月20日於Facebook專頁及網站公佈總步數


計步器 - Google Play: - App Store:

StepsApp 計步器 - Google Play: - App Store:

*有關更多【國際腦癇日 - 香港2023】資訊,請詳閱:


Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder affecting 50 million people worldwide. To show continued support to people with epilepsy, the campaign '50 Million Steps for Epilepsy' will be launched by the Organising Committee of IED - Hong Kong 2023. The walkathon aims to arouse public interest in epilepsy and concern for the affected ones and their families.

To take part in the campaign:

2. Share our promotion post publicly on social media, and invite others to join and do likewise

3. On the period of 15-31 January 2023 use our recommended apps (see below) to record the number of steps daily

4. Upload a screen-cap of your step counter to the Google form ( on or before 3 February 2023

5. You will then receive an e-certificate of participation to share on social media

The total number of steps taken by all participants will be announced on our web and Facebook page on 20 February, International Epilepsy Day - Hong Kong.

Join us in our attempt to take "50 million steps" toward raising awareness of epilepsy!

Recommended apps:

Pedometer a - Google Play: - App Store:

StepsApp Pedometer - Google Play: - App Store:

*To know more about International Epilepsy Day - Hong Kong 2023, please visit:

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